Friday, March 6, 2020

Using No and Not in English (video and exercise)

Using No and Not in English (video and exercise) Are you using no and not correctly in English? Weve recently noticed that even some of our advanced students confuse these two words.For instance, do you know which is correct in the sentences below? Do you know why?I have (no/not) been to Disney Land.I have (no/not) money in the bank.Watch the video below to learn about the differences between no and not, then see if you can complete the exercises below. Ok, choose the correct answer below. You can write your answers in comments and we will respond.  1. I have (no/not) seen my mother in a few months.2. There are (no/not) any beers in the refrigerator.3. I have (no/not) beer.4. I do (not/no) like beer anyway.5. Well, d0 you want wine? (No/Not).6. She is (not/no) a beer drinker.7. She does (no/not) drink beer.8. She is (no/not) beer drinker.9. There is (no/not) much wine.10. There is (no/not) wine. Marcotulioac 1. I have (not) seen my mother in a few months. 2. There are (not) any beers in the refrigerator. 3. I have (no) beer. 4. I do (not) like beer anyway. 5. Well, do you want wine? (No). 6. She is (not) a beer drinker. 7. She does (not) drink beer. 8. She is (no) beer drinker. 9. There is (not) much wine. 10. There is (no) wine. LOIEnglish Well done! You got them all correct! Bansal Target  She is (no) beer drinker. it seems to be incorrect.. LOIEnglish Bansal! You and Marco are both correct. In sentence 8 you can use: She is (not) a beer drinker. (She isnt a beer drinker.) or sometimes in this case we can use an idiomatic expression that uses no: She is no beer drinker. This adds emphasis to the idea that she really doesnt like or drink beer. Another example: She is no dummy. Sergyo 1. I have not seen my mother in a few months. 2. There arent any beers in the refrigerator. 3. I have no beer. 4. I dont like beer anyway. 5. No, I don ´t. 6. She isnt a beer drinker. 7. She doesnt drink beer. 8. She is no beer drinker. 9. There is no much wine. 10. There isnt wine. LOIEnglish Sergyo you had problems with #9. There is not much wine. or There isnt much wine.

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